Graph distance using matrix multiplication in Octave

If A is a matrix of positive edge weights between nodes in a graph (from 0 to infinity), then power-iteration through multiplication of that matrix in the {R,min,plus} semi-ring will converge on the distances of the shortest-paths in that graph. For reference (my own mostly), this blog entry gives the GNU Octave code for it and an example.

# convert a standard edge-adjacency matrix (1 for edge to other node, 0
# otherwise), to an initial distance matrx (i.e. Inf for >1-hop nodes).
function A = adj_to_min_plus (A)
        A(A == 0) = Inf;
        A(logical(eye(size(A)))) = 0;
# less memory intensive, but slower, version for v large graphs.
function A = adj_to_min_plus_s (A)
        for i = 1:rows(A)
                B = A(i,:);
                B(B == 0) = Inf;
                A(i,:) = B;
                A(i,i) = 0;
# matrix multiplication in the (R,min,+) semi-ring,
# for A being an initial distance matrix for a graph with no negative
# cycles, this will converge on the shortest distances in the graph.
function [ D changed ] = min_plus_mul (A)
        changed = false;
        n = columns(A);
        # as noted by mcgrant on #octave on Freenode IRC:
        # for non-sparse matrices this could be optimised with bsxfun.
        # in some way similar to:
        # reshape(sum(bsxfun(@times,A,
        #                    reshape(X,[1,size(X)])),
        #             2),size(A,1),size(X,2))
        # for sparse matrices, it's possible bsxfun could still 
        # be used to optimised the inner loop.
        for i = 1:n
                for j = 1:n
                        val = A(i,j);
                        D(i,j) = min(A(i,:) .+ A(:,j)');
                        if (D(i,j) != val)
                                changed = true;
# power iterate till convergence, or for the specified number of iterations
function [ A iterations ] = min_plus_mul_power (A, n = columns(A))
        for i = 1:n
                [ A c ] = min_plus_mul (A);
                if (c == false)
        iterations = i;

With this, you can calculate shortest-path distance matrices for standard graph adjacency matrices in Octave. E.g. for the graph of:

|  |\   | 
D--E G  H 

The adjacency matrix A and resulting distances would be:

octave:4> A
A =

   0   1   0   1   0   0   0   0
   1   0   1   0   1   0   1   0
   0   1   0   0   0   1   0   1
   1   0   0   0   1   0   0   0
   0   1   0   1   0   0   0   0
   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0
   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0

octave:5> min_plus_mul_power (adj_to_min_plus(A))
ans =

   0   1   2   1   2   3   2   3
   1   0   1   2   1   2   1   2
   2   1   0   3   2   1   2   1
   1   2   3   0   1   4   3   4
   2   1   2   1   0   3   2   3
   3   2   1   4   3   0   3   2
   2   1   2   3   2   3   0   3
   3   2   1   4   3   2   3   0

For large graphs, if adj_to_min_plus() gives memory/index errors, try using adj_to_min_plus_s() instead.

Just in case it’s useful to anyone…

Update: Regular matrix multiplication (i.e. standard arithmetic {R,+,*} semi-ring) can also be used to calculate the distances, though it requires some additional processing. If an adjacency matrix is multiplied by itself k-times, then each entry in the matrix gives the number of paths of length k between the 2 nodes. By noting down the first k that gives a positive value for a cell, the shortest-path distances can be determined. Further, this method can also say how many such shortest-paths there are (note: my example doesn’t record this). The Octave code is:

function [ D k ] = k_paths_mul (A)
        fin = true;
        D = A;
        C = A;
        k = 1;
                C *=  A;   
                fin = true;
                for i = 1:rows(C)  
                        T = C(i,:);
                        T(i) = 0;
                        S = (T > 0) & (D(i,:) == 0);
                        if (any(S))
                                D(i,S) = k; 
                                fin = false;
        until (fin == true)

I don’t know if this any faster than the min-plus method. On the one hand, it uses regular, built-in matrix multiplication, which may use fast libraries. On the other hand, it requires a bit more manipulation of the results.

Update2: The k-paths approach seems to be significantly faster, at least on smaller graphs:

> G = scale_free (400, 2); 
> T1 = time (); [D k ] =  min_plus_mul_power (G) ; T2 = time (); 
> disp (T2 - T1); 
> T1 = time (); [D k ] = k_paths_mul (G) ; T2 = time (); 
> disp (T2 - T1);

Update3: It seems that as the graphs get bigger and bigger, the speed advantage of the k-paths approach gets smaller and smaller:

800 nodes : 128.51 v 13.343 seconds → k-paths 9.6 × faster
1600 nodes : 703.29 v 121.62 → 5.8 ×
3200 nodes : 4198.3 v 1214.6 → 3.5 ×
6400 nodes : 28004 v 11830 → 2.4 ×

So it’s very possible the min_plus_mul approach scales better to larger graphs.

Update 4: 12800 nodes: 188750 v 78226 → 2.4 × – maybe not?

Note: Generally, graph-exploration all-pair shortest-path algorithms, such as Floyd-WarshallJohnson’s algorithms or all-sources Dijkstra’s shortest-path should perform better than a matrix based approach, all else being equal, is my understanding. E.g., my Java implementation of Floyd-Warshall – part of a Java MultiGraph library –  significantly outperforms the above Octave code on large graphs. However, the matrix approach can still be useful sometimes, particularly with smaller graphs.

Update5: On a different machine, with larger graphs again, I’ve found that the k-paths-mul approach with GNU Octave 3.8.1 significantly out-performed the Java Floyd-Warshall approach. So it seems mileage can vary significantly. So I can’t say which approach is generally the fastest! It seems to depend a lot on data-sets and platforms.

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